Tips to make your home even more comfortable.
For you to have moments of leisure and comfort with your family and friends in a more welcoming environment at home, we have developed, in addition to our cleaning products a>, 11 home care tips to make your day-to-day routine even more practical and efficient.
Some tips are on using bleach and washing, and others on how to degrease the stove and leave the floor shining with liquid wax. Check out these and other tips below that Girando Sol made especially for you, thinking about the pleasure of helping with the health and cleanliness of your home.
Check out our tips.
How can you use a chlorine-based stain remover without damaging your laundry?
Your home clean and fresh!
Delicate fabrics? Liquid laundry detergent!
Laundry powder in the right amount!
How can you remove yellow stains from white clothes?
How can you deep clean your stove?
Other uses for bar soap
Cleaning efficiently
Living room
How can you get a shiny floor?
Wash the dishes preserving the environment!
Clean bathroom, protected health
Longer-lasting great smelling laundry
Soft clothes always!
Frequently Asked Questions
O alvejante da Girando Sol é realmente capaz de tirar manchas de peças brancas?
PSim! Nossos Alvejantes possuem cloro para tirar as manchas da melhor maneira possível e são produtos 6x1, ou seja, alvejam, perfumam, tiram-limo, desinfetam, tiram manchas e são bactericidas.
Qual produto utilizar para deixar deixar o chão brilhando?
A Cera Líquida da Girando Sol, além de deixar o chão brilhando, perfuma o ambiente, tornando-o mais convidativo
Quais produtos eu devo utilizar para deixar minhas peças de roupa cheirosas por mais tempo?
Qual produto de limpeza utilizar para eliminar sujeira do fogão?
Para remover as gorduras do seu fogão, nós recomendamos o uso do sabão em pasta e o desengordurante da Girando Sol que facilitam sua rotina!