Concentred fabric softener - Girando Sol
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You know that great sensation of feeling comfortable in your own clothes? This is the pleasant effect of our fabric softeners. With a soft, long-lasting fragrance, they make ironing easier and help fabric last longer. Discover how it feels to enjoy ultimate comfort every day!
Available in the Classic and Concentred versions.

Concentred fabric softener

Concentrated Softener

There’s nothing like getting ready for the day and getting that fragrant and soft piece of wardrobe, right? And the one responsible for leaving this amazing result on clothes is the fabric softener.

The concentrated fabric softener is one of the products in our line of fabric softeners that have technologies to make your garments softer and more fragrant for longer, giving that feeling of comfort that we love!

Read this content until the end to find out what are the main characteristics of Girando Sol Concentrated Softener, its benefits and how to use it!

Concentrated Softener Spinning Sun

Our Concentrated Softener has in its formula active capsules of essential oils that make the perfume in the pieces more lasting. In addition to this technology, all concentrated softeners are dermatologically tested and we have one that is hypoallergenic.

Our concentrated fabric softener can be found in three different sizes (500ml, 1L and 1.5L), in the secret passion, sweet dreams, coconut and vanilla, pure affection, eternal magic and hypoallergenic fragrances.

Characteristics and benefits of Concentrated Softener

Adding the concentrated fabric softener to the washing process at home will make your garments more fragrant and softer, in addition to helping care for the fabric, making it more durable.

Check below the main benefits that these characteristics of the concentrated fabric softener allow you to enjoy:

Softness and warmth

You know that touch of warmth you feel when you wear your clothes? This happens because the concentrated fabric softener is able to soften the fibers of the fabric, making it softer and more comfortable to the touch.

Greater parts durability

In addition to softening the fibers, the concentrated softener is able to reduce the friction between the fibers of the fabrics, preventing damage and excessive wear of the clothes, thus increasing the durability of the garments.

Perfumed clothes for longer

The concentrated softener allows your pieces to have a smooth and lasting scent, making the act of dressing even more pleasant and pleasurable.

How to use Diluted Softener

Hand wash

To wash your garments by hand and apply the diluted softener, an alternative is to take a basin, add 1/2 cap of liquid laundry detergent, 1/4 of the cap of concentrated fabric softener, mix well and immerse the clothes in the bucket.

Leave for a few minutes, rub gently, then just rinse, remove excess water and carry on with the other processes of care for the piece as normal.

Washing in the washing machine

For machine washing, using, for example, a 500 ml concentrated softener by Girando Sol, you can add 1/2 cap for 4 kg of clothes in the compartment designated for softener and wash the items in the cycle you normally wash.

An important tip is never to apply the fabric softener directly to the parts, as this can cause stains.

Cleaning products for your clothes is at Girando Sol!

Now that you know everything about our concentrated softener, it’s time to get yours! Enter our website and discover our other cleaning products, especially the clothing line that has products such as diluted fabric softener, washing liquid clothes and washing powder clothes, to make comfort and well-being more part of your life, together with Girando Sol!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Girando Sol's main diluted fabric softener fragrances?

The main fragrances are secret passion, sweet dreams, coconut and vanilla, pure affection, eternal magic and hypoallergenic.

Does Girando Sol have hypoallergenic concentrated fabric softener?

Yes! All of our concentrated amino acids are dermatologically tested and we have one that is uniquely hypoallergenic.

Can you use concentrated fabric softener to wash clothes by hand?

Yes, but as long as you dilute it in water, as the direct contact of the concentrated fabric softener with the clothes can cause stains.

Is there an ideal amount to use the concentrated fabric softener?

It is essential to always read the instructions for use present in the package to use it correctly and have an even better result.