Underprivileged communities receive healthy environments - Girando Sol
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Underprivileged communities receive healthy environments

Healthy environments are happier. With this in mind, Girando Sol decided to donate cleaning products to more than 50 charities of southern Brazil.

The initiative began in the city of Arroio do Meio, state of Rio Grande do Sul, where the company’s headquarters are located. After that, several other institutions were contemplated inside and outside the state, such as in the cities of Laguna and Joinville, in the state of Santa Catarina, as well as in Cascavel and Ponta Grossa, in the state of Paraná.

The charities were chosen according to the indication of the company’s sales agents. By promoting these actions, Girando Sol wishes to offer a more pleasant day-to-day life to people, who deserve to feel the pleasure of being in clean, healthy, and fresh smelling environments.